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AMIEs BEEF STEAK (BISTEK TAGALOG). Marinate beef in soy sauce, lemon and pepper for at least one hour. Heat the cooking oil in a pan then stir. Fry the onion rings until the texture become soft.

AMIEs BEEF STEAK (BISTEK TAGALOG) This is also known as Beefsteak to some people. It is best enjoyed with warm rice. Heat the cooking oil in a pan then stir. You can have AMIEs BEEF STEAK (BISTEK TAGALOG) using 8 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve that.


  1. It's of beef sirloin, thinly sliced.
  2. Prepare of soy sauce.
  3. You need of lemon or 3 calamansi.
  4. Prepare of ground black pepper.
  5. It's of garlic, crushed.
  6. You need of large onion, sliced into rings.
  7. Prepare of tbsps. cooking oil.
  8. Prepare of salt to taste.

Fry the onion rings until the texture become soft. AMIEs BEEF STEAK (BISTEK TAGALOG) is one of the most well liked of current trending meals in the world. It's appreciated by millions every day. It's easy, it is quick, it tastes delicious.


  1. Marinate beef in soy sauce, lemon and pepper for at least one hour..
  2. Heat the cooking oil in a pan then stir. Fry the onion rings until the texture become soft. Set aside..
  3. In the same pan where the onion where fried, fry the marinated beef (without the marinate sauce) until colors turn brown. Set aside..
  4. Put-in the garlic then saute for a few minutes..
  5. Pour the marinate sauce and bring to a boil..
  6. Put the fried beef and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes or until meat is tender. Add water as needed..
  7. Add the stir fried onions and some salt to taste..
  8. Serve hot. Share and enjoy!.
  9. Philippine Cuisine by NORA DAZA.

They are fine and they look wonderful. AMIEs BEEF STEAK (BISTEK TAGALOG) is something that I've loved my entire life. Great recipe for AMIEs BEEF STEAK (BISTEK TAGALOG). this dish is very memorable to me. my mom came up with this recipe when i was a child. everytime im cooking this dish, i remember how she loves preparing this for us. this is lovingly dedicated to my mother. "i love you, ma!" :flower (L) :-* To get started with this particular recipe, we have to first prepare a few ingredients. Here is how you can achieve it. Filipino beef steak, or bistek, is a staple in every household in the Philippines.

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